MONTHEVENTS - All events are held at 1511 Bridewell
Lane Port Gibson, Mississippi.
JANUARYAnnual Membership Drive - $5.00 Entire Month
FEBUARYAnnual Membership Drive - $5.00Entire Month
MARCHAnnual Spring Festival
Cost: $Donation accepted
3rd Saturday
Time: 10am until
APRILAnnual Spring Festival
Cost: $Donation accepted
1st Saturday
Time: 10am until
MAYAnnual Mother’s Day Celebration
Cost: $Donation accepted
1st Saturday
Time: 10am until
JUNEAnnual Father’s Day Celebration
Cost: $Donation accepted
1st Saturday
Time: 10am until
JULYAnnual Family and Friends Day
Cost: $Donation accepted
1st Saturday
Time: 10am until
AUGUSTAnnual Back to School Celebration
Cost: $Donation accepted
1st Saturday
Time: 10am until
SEPTEMBERAnnual Meeting for TEAM, INC
Cost of Tickets: $5.00
3rd Saturday
Time: 11am - 2 pm
OCTOBERAnnual October Fest
Cost of Tickets: $5.00
4th Saturday
Time: 10am until
NOVEMBERAnnual Turkey Giveaway
3rd Saturday
Time: 10am until 4pm
DECEMBERAnnual Christmas Dinner
Cost of Tickets: $5.00
3rd Saturday
Time: 11am – 2 pm
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